dream baby dream

avatar użytkownika joanna


dream baby dream
i see that smile on your face
yeah, makes you free
i see that smile



dream baby dream

Widzę uśmiech na twojej twarzy
tak, on cie wyzwoli,
widze ten uśmiech


Ty jeszcze białą drogą
iść za mną nie możesz
Ciebie stroją klejnotami
jak z nieba zorzę
moje nieco straciły
lecz idę z nadzieją
po drodze ziarno siejąc
im wyżej wiadomo
tym bardziej stromo
koniec w obłokach ukryty


że Wielki Sufler
drabinę poda u szczytu



5 komentarzy

avatar użytkownika joanna

1. ...

avatar użytkownika Maryla

2. podzielę się Dziś z Tobą tym co mam Każdą myślą słowem dobrym i



Stowarzyszenie Blogmedia24.pl


avatar użytkownika joanna

3. marzenia jak ptaki... :)

avatar użytkownika Pelargonia

4. A to był wielki hit, który pamietam z mego dzieciństwa:

Myślę, ze i Tobie, Joasiu, spodoba się. a whiter shade of pale We skipped the light fandango Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor I was feeling kinda seasick But the crowd called out for more The room was humming harder As the ceiling flew away When we called out for another drink The waiter brought a tray And so it was that later As the miller told his tale That her face, at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter shade of pale She said, 'there is no reason And the truth is plain to see.' But I wandered through my playing cards And would not let her be One of sixteen vestal virgins Who were leaving for the coast And although my eyes were open They might have just as well've been closed She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,' Though in truth we were at sea So I took her by the looking glass And forced her to agree Saying, 'you must be the mermaid Who took neptune for a ride.' But she smiled at me so sadly That my anger straightway died If music be the food of love Then laughter is it's queen And likewise if behind is in front Then dirt in truth is clean My mouth by then like cardboard Seemed to slip straight through my head So we crash-dived straightway quickly And attacked the ocean bed

"Ogół nie umie powiedzieć, czego chce, ale wie, czego nie chce" Henryk Sienkiewicz

avatar użytkownika joanna

5. And attacked the ocean bed... ;)

Moon River wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style someday Oh dream maker you heartbreaker Wherever you're going I'm going your way Two drifters off to see the world there's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbows end Waiting round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon River and me (Moon River off to see the world there's such a lot of world to see) We're after the same rainbows end Waiting round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon River and me