Tylko do 31 Pazdziernika mozna ten film obejrzec za darmo!!!

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1. Prosba!

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Tak mi tu dobrze...ze dobrze mi tak.
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2. A big thank you goes out to

A big thank you goes out to Nutiva, Bragg Live Food ProductsKamut, Frey Vineyards, Organic Pastures Dairy, EO Products, Berlin Natural Bakery, and Leo Younger (volunteer), for sponsoring Genetic Roulette through the month of October. The film now includes options for subtitles in Spanish and and English (for the hearing impaired).

 Leo Younger – (volunteer)


Please use the arrows on the side of the banner or the dots below the video to select the English, Closed Captioning, or Spanish Subtitles video. Each video has a title in the top left hand corner. Please give the video a few moments to load. Problems viewing the film? Email support@responsibletechnology.org Please let us know if you are using an iPad!

After watching the film please click on this link to add a comment about Genetic Roulette and to learn more about GMOs!

Genetic Roulette

A film by Jeffrey M. Smith – Narrated by Lisa Oz

A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology

Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet?

When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own
scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our
environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented
proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations
were put at risk by an infant technology.

After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave
trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock,
and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US
population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), their health improves.

This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain
the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and
offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future.

The main feature film Genetic Roulette is 85 minutes.

The package also contains a bonus DVD with:

Seeds of Freedom (28 min)

Narrated by Jeremy Irons, produced by The Gaia Foundation and African
Biodiversity Network, this landmark film shows how the story of seed at
the hands of multinationals has become one of loss, control, dependence
and debt. More information about the Seeds of Freedom can be found here.

The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods (42 min)

Jeffrey Smith presents a concise, hard-hitting talk to more than 800
healthcare practitioners at Andrew Weil’s Arizona Center for Integrated
Medicine conference in 2011.

The Politics of GMOs (16 min)

This presentation excerpt describes the unholy alliance between the
US government and Monsanto, as well as some highlights of Monsanto’s
dark history.

12 Short Public Service Announcements

All content in the bonus disk can be played on television without charge or special permission.



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