ale to nie o to szło

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Isia pisze...
zapomniałam o drzewie, chlebie i winie
ale to nie o to szło
a o wierność

joanna pisze...
jeśli chcesz mnie
jak cichą kochankę
będę nią
mozesz myślą tęczowić
wieczory i ranki
barwą mą...


7 komentarzy

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1. Love and Liberte

avatar użytkownika joanna

2. You want to return

Now you make me lose the reason, don't say anything
always, always it will be the two of us
we know that night and in the street the same thing will be.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I don't feel you anymore

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find you anymore.

I think that day, the same thing as yesterday,
the will be the same.
I think that day, the same thing as yesterday,
the same thinking.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find you anymore.

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3. Power of Love

Pozdrawiam serdecznie

"Ogół nie umie powiedzieć, czego chce, ale wie, czego nie chce" Henryk Sienkiewicz

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4. Psyche

Tak mi tu dobrze...ze dobrze mi tak.
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5. Only Time

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6. Musisz byc...

Tak mi tu dobrze...ze dobrze mi tak.
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7. ...A picture is worth a thousand words...
